What is Eye-brow microblading - Important things you need to know.

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What is Eye-brow microblading - Important things you need to know.


18th Jan 2023

Microblading is a semi-permanent procedure in the eyebrows. The procedure is done with the use of a microblade to create hair-like strokes. The needles with pigments on the tipped implant the ink in the dermis. You can also call microblading a tattooing practice that gives you natural-fuller brows. It has gained much popularity in recent years due to its ability to enhance the natural beauty of a person's face.

Always go to experts for Microblading

Microblading entails skillful people who use the microblade tool to give your eyebrows the looks they deserve. Since the ink is deposited in the skin, unhygienic practices may cause infections. The success of the procedure largely depends on the person who performs it. It is best to consider a certified microblading artist, an experienced one who can take care of the kind of brow you wish to have.

Be Careful of the following:-

Poser microblading artists do not know what microblading is. Research and find out if the service provider is licensed and certified.
No before and after photos to show you. The photos will tell the kind of output they can produce through microblading. If you ask for photos and they cannot show you one, this is a red flag.

Possible complications may also occur. This is if you happen to avail of the services from the wrong salon. In addition, allergic reactions can also be another thing. If any of these happen, you will surely incur another cost.

1. Requirement before microblading

After knowing what micro-blading is, you have to take note of the preparations before submitting yourself to the procedure. If you are pregnant and have some allergies, you are not eligible for it. Your preparations before the procedure include refraining from chemical peels for at least two months before the procedure, not consuming caffeine and alcohol, not putting on facial creams, and not taking any blood-thinning medications.

Requirement before microblading

 Requirements after microblading

2. Requirements after microblading

Follow the instructions given to you on how to take care of the microbladed brow. Usually, the advice is to wipe your eyebrow with water using a cotton swab and use the after-care ointment. Depending on your case, there are required numbers of times to wipe and apply the eyebrows with ointment. You also refrain from sweating and make-up or any skin-care products. Do not expose yourself to sunlight. Never let the shower stream directed to your eyebrows. Avoid all these for at least 2 weeks.

You should take note that the healing process takes time. Even with the aftercare requirement, you need to religiously follow, the results will give you satisfaction. The picture below shows how lovely a microblade eyebrow is.

How long does microblading last?

The term is semi-permanent meaning it stays longer but not for a long-time. However, many prefer microblading as it stays longer than waterproof eyebrow pencils and gels. Wearing your well-shaped eyebrow for a year or two is not that bad anymore. Others may even have it for a span of three years as long as you do the regular touch-up.

The kind of ink used in microblading is also a factor. Some links can easily fade. But if you go for organic microblading, you will surely love the results. This is because the ink used is organic and the pigments are made of plant and animal-based ingredients which are not harmful to the skin. The colors are natural too.

Benefits of Microblading.

- You will have more time in the morning.
- You will save more money in the long term.
- Water-proof.
- Natural -looking results and long-lasting results.
- An easy solution to regain eyebrows.
- Painless, effective, and safe.
- You can choose more than one look.
- New brows in under 2 hours.
- You will have an eyebrow blueprint.

Why Kalakriti for Microblading?

Kalakriti salon is one of the most trusted permanent make-up solutions. We have helped thousands of clients feel good and boost their confidence level with various semi-permanent eye-brow styling techniques. So if you are thinking of trying microblading and enhancing your body, feel free to get in touch with us today.

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